Fast Food Items That are Surprisingly Not Terrible For You

Now on to the fast food…

  1. Apparently they don’t take photos of these in the non-Supreme form, so I had to Photoshop out the sour cream.

     Taco Bell Doritos Locos Tacos. Taco Bell has built up a lot of hype around its new Doritos Locos Tacos — and apparently it’s the fastest-selling product they’ve ever had. I didn’t love them when I tried them, but clearly most people think they’re great judging by the amount of photos of them that have shown up on my Instagram. And here’s some good news: One Doritos Locos taco has the same amount of calories as the regular crunchy taco– 170. Instead of a regular taco, have a regular taco lightly dusted in nacho cheese dust!

    Sam’s comment: I had to edit this because she kept calling them “Los Doritos Tacos.” Which is really just an anagram away from being correct if you eat them in the O.C.

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